Monday, August 3, 2009

My New Love AFFAIR!

It was LOVE at first sight...the color, the size....everything about it was PERFECT! Didn't even need to try anything else...I knew the second that I saw the bike it would be mine!

Got to at 10AM...right when the shop opened! My sisters friend owns the place SO I knew I would get the best hook up ever! Robin greeted us immediately....the match making underway! (If you live in the Spokane area this is a great shop..the service was awesome! NOT just for me BUT everyone who walked in there!)

I scoped out the line up of beautiful tri bikes..Cervelo, Felt, Quintana Roo... walking back and forth trying to decide if I should get a P2 or the new P3...Hot hot BIKES! I wanted the Cervelo and was pretty certain I was getting it...BUT the Quintana Roo kept calling my I gave in and on the trainer it went...

My first tri bike...Quintana Roo, Dulce...I'm in LOVE! I picked it for all the wrong reasons..color, cute, name...I'm a complete DORK...BUT when I tested it...It was actually meant to be!
Now I need to put the swim, bike and run together so I can be fast...WORKING on the damn swim..constant struggle. I hate the water...BUT with my new QR..I'm feeling LOTS more confident that I can get some race MOJO...I know I can run fast and I know I can bike fast...thank GOD...something needs to make up for my lame ass swim!
PS: The shop also hooked me up with this wet suit

Anyone want to be my swim coach...?? let me know..