Time....change....and listening to my body....
Of course I wanted to go into 2010 with some HUGE race schedule...SO I planned out the year with my focus on Boston and Ironman....I really hadn't looked at the training schedule, the time commitment or mentally where I was in my life...So much change happening around me. I underestimated how mentally I needed to be in my game...not just for a race BUT the training too..I also want to take in and feel what is happening around me on the path to a GREAT RACES!
That brings me to where I am today...trying to get life finalized along with my race schedule and rebuild my mental game.
2009 is a blur to me...I ran from a silly little thing called LIFE...easier to deal with things when you are training 24/7....and avoiding THINGS! 13 marathons, 5 half marathons and all the training along the way made it really easy to not think about the reality of life...
Lots of decisions...lots of change and a new race schedule...Mentally I am coming back...and I will be stronger physically this year...so look for more PR's out of me....
Here is the NEW race schedule for 2010:
- Boston April 19th...going for a sub 3:25
- Wildflower Oly Tri May 2nd...Just a training race for IM
- Ironman June 27th...Sub 12 is my goal...and not drowning of course...
***I will add on some half marathons in the mix...Goal is to run a sub 1:35 half. Probably in December in Vegas****
Life is GOOD... :)
"Struggles are what we need in our life. If YOU live life without obstacles, we would be crippled. Give every opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets."