Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3 weeks to Boston....#12167

Anxious. Excited. Nervous.
I've been there...I've done this race...this should be fun.
The Boston Marathon is a BIG deal no matter proved you can get you need to prove you still have it...and should be there!

I haven't run anything over 16 miles...My focus is on my A race...Ironman...SO I felt like my run was suffering. My bike is getting stronger and I am in fact becoming a better swimmer (even though it is the MOST boring of the 3 to me!) BUT somehow I felt like my run was lost...a few weeks ago I was thinking I can pull of a 3:30 in Boston...NOT so sure...

Monday...I headed out on a 3 hour 2...easy. The first few miles were slow..just trying to find my zone 2...pacing at 9:10 pace...slow and certainly NOT Boston worthy...I kept telling myself LONG runs should always be 30-90 seconds slower then your race speed. I was still feeling slow, lame and SO NOT READY for Boston.

Ran the first 10 miles in 1:30...right on a 9 min miles pace...Not feeling bad...turned around and started headed back 10...and somewhere in the last 10 miles my body remembered what it was supposed to do...My average pace for 20+ was 8:54...I felt strong all the way back...JUST doing the miles made me realize that I can pull of 26.2 in Boston....
BUT can I pull it off with a Boston course PR? That's a whole other question....

See ya in Boston...I'm as ready as I am going to be...

If you care to follow your favorite runners...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting BOSTON back...

Alright..I admit it...I lost that loving feeling for the marathon...13 last year and the 6 halves plus the training sorta SUCKED the running LOVE out of me...
Of course there is the other crap in my life that zapped
far too much energy from my being as well...

NO more's time to get my RUN ON.......

Yesterday...March 15, 2010....WAS my turning point...I have 5 weeks to get to Boston...And am I ready to run a sub 3:30???...not today...BUT in 5 weeks I'm finding a 3:30 or better.
Not a PR but a PR on the Boston course...

(The start....)
I pulled off 16 miles on an 8:35 pace and that was a fight...
(sorta was THE wake up call!)
I haven't run long since Vegas RnR in December and believe me...I had NO issues with just doing 13 max for awhile...
Post run Sunday I felt like I banged out a marathon...calf pain and such...
Nutrition needs an evaluation as does liquid intake on the longs..
struggling with it for awhile...suggestions are welcome.... :)

(my cousin in Boston..wont be back til 2011!)

Sooooooo......The next 5 weeks is about getting the run back...digging deep and finding my speed again....What that looks like for miles...some 2o milers with some mid week 10's and recovery runs...and then the taper...OH yeh...and Ironman training too....

Catch ya in Boston...Lets DO THIS!

Some of my favorite things and sites... (I will be sporting sleeves in Boston this year!) love the NUUN!) (The training...the coach...the bible!)