Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Setting up 2010...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Las Vegas RnR race report...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Getting it DONE..Big Sur..race report…
The plan was to run the Malibu Marathon…BUT a silly thing called LIFE got in the way…dealing with personal stuff and knowing that I needed to stay close to home in RWC…SO…. I backed out of Malibu…it was a sad BUT right decision.
Post race beers and deep fried pickles at the Mucky Duck with @g_monee...GOOD times! http://www.muckyduckmonterey.com/index.html
WHAT I do know is that I can run a half faster then I did in Big Sur…what I learned is that every race needs a strategy…even the little ones. I also learned that your body heats up pretty fast and that’s why they have sweat checks!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Getting MARATHON #16 & #17 done... in 7 days!
Monday, September 28, 2009
My "PW" in Maui....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Is it Selfish? Just Venting....
Why am I explaining my life? Why do some people judge what I do? I'm setting an example perhaps? Trying to keep up with my kids...trying to not go postal...I need to do what I do or the lives of others will be altered...Or maybe I do alter lives in a good way...just maybe I can inspire a mom, a sister, a wife, a friend to register for a race or to just get their ass moving! Maybe this is supposed to be my job....
Monday, August 31, 2009
Getting it DONE in Santa Rosa!
I was looking for a PR...all I wanted in Santa Rosa was a PR...might be a long shot to sub 3:32, but it was all I wanted to do in the race. I knew the course was flat..a lot like the Eugene Marathon where I ran that 3:32...SO I knew I could bring something! (even though I hadn't run anything longer then 10 miles since the San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon!)
Here's how my race went...
Got to Santa Rosa around 7PM Saturday night...met up with @gregknottlemond for my pre-race chicken nachos and beer (rituals!) and talked a bit about my race strategy. Planned the meeting points...water...gu, salt...YOU know the whole deal! Finished up and headed to the hotel to meet @solorunner who just got in from Portland!
Went to sleep around 11...YES, I actually slept....this I knew was a sign of a good race...I was happy to wake up to FOG and not the SUN...got some coffee in me, half a bagel and @solorunner and I headed to the start to meet up with @gregknottlemond. QUIET at the race start...much more organized then I thought..not sure who was doing the half or the full..as all the runners walked to the start...
I filed in with the 8 min mile group...set my watch and turned on my play list. Sorta put myself in my zone..whatever that means! Count down and we were off..First mile I was pacing around 6:40..mistake number 1. Pulled myself together finally by mile 4 and was now about 5 mins ahead of my 3:30 pace...Got caught up with all the runners and was getting pissed that I got passed by 4 chicks. I had to fight with myself to slow it down to a 7:45 pace...It was tough...My first half was a PR for me..I ran a 1:38...and was feeling pretty good..I told myself I would race until 20 and then make a decision on incorporating Galloway..
Headed out on my second loop...the thing is with Santa Rosa you do the same thing twice...which I sort of liked..headed into mile 15 feeling strong...kept pushing my 7:40'ish pace. Didn't take water, NuuN..Gu or salt (dumb!)..My IT band stopped hurting and I was just focused on the miles. The half marathoners were coming at me as I was going out and they kept doing the #1 sign...I was clueless and kept saying "NO this is my second loop"...they were trying to tell me I was the first chick heading out for the marathon..WOO HOO! I was too busy yelling "great racing guys! Good run!"....cheerleading 101! KARMA!
I was feeling pretty kick ass until mile 22..saw @solorunner and @gregknottlemond and asked what my pace was...I sooo hit a wall and was seriously DONE! @gregknottlemond says "you're doing just fine!" and I felt like SHIT! If there was a sniper on the course I wished he would have taken me out at mile 22! My race just started for me..Mentally I started messing with myself..I knew I was in the lead...even if I didn't PR I was gonna win the womans overall and my AG..BUT I wasn't here to do that...I was here to PR..I did the Galloway method a little at 23...30 seconds walking...I hit mile 24 and started to have the chills. I needed salt..I was getting fluid but I was pretty depleted..my stomache was aching, a little hallow..
Mile 25 I grabbed a salt tab (a little late I know) for my mental state and pushed on...No more markers...just needed to get thru that last mile...came around the corner...and the park was in sight..I was pretty happy..looked at my watch and I was around a 3:28 as I hit the last few hundred feet thru the park...SAW @solorunner and she was yelling "GO! YOU have it!" SO I picked it up a little so I could stay in the 3:28 range.. @epicbillbradley was announcing for the race and I heard him say "We have the first female finisher, Shelly Centis!" YAY....it was pretty cool to hear everyone cheer...Crossed the finish line at 3:28.51...a 4+ minute PR for me! ALL I wanted.. The win was a bonus!
I did win a bike...and some other swag...BUT most importantly I learned that it doesn't matter if you win, lose or PR it's how you treat the other people on the course...YOU can be the fastest, run the strongest...BUT none of that matters unless you show encouragement to the other runners! I had the most fun yesterday watching the half marathoners push their way to the finish as I was headed out on my second 13.1..To them that half was just as big as my full. Way to go runners...GOOD day in Santa Rosa for ALL the finishers!
Article and pics:
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Taper Sucks!
Kicking off my next races lands me in TAPER week...I hate this tapering crap....it sucks the life out of ME and I feel completely worthless and BITCHY. I try to stick to the training schedule BUT I have a tad more energy then to just do 7.5 miles before race day...
I use Hal Higdons advanced training programs...I know if I stick to it I will be better race day. I constantly ask myself why is a taper important...what's the deal? I don't crave the carbs...I know how much food is good for my body...my issue is that I NEED to do miles...the more miles I can run the more complete I am. The less BITCHY...
What the damn TAPER does to me is makes me THINK way too much about my performance on RACE day. My ability...my goal. Is this bad? Maybe...not sure....I also tend to be more stressed out race week...shorter tempered...haven't gotten violent yet BUT I want to punch stupid people now and then...REST DAYS suck...AND I know I need them...BUT 3 rest days really could kill me...and by rest days does that mean NO bike or swim?
So here I am...5 days from my marathon...I want to PR, sub 3:30 on a flat course...I want to be top 5 in my age group and I need to stay strong the entire race... SO maybe that's why a I should TAPER!
RACE schedule 2009:
8/30 Santa Rosa
9/20 Maui
10/4 Cowtown
10/11 Long Beach
10/18 Nike half
11/15 Malibu
12/7 Vegas
(Does this mean every week is a taper now??)
GOOD reads:
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Month to ME!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
HAPPY Training! injury FREE of course!
Monday, August 3, 2009
My New Love AFFAIR!
It was LOVE at first sight...the color, the size....everything about it was PERFECT! Didn't even need to try anything else...I knew the second that I saw the bike it would be mine!
Anyone want to be my swim coach...?? let me know..
Thursday, July 30, 2009
TO infiniti and beyond..RAGNAR!
If there is a chance..the slightest chance...do The Ragnar Relay! Never will you have so much fun...for me that isn't hard..BUT Ragnar was a blast!
A week ago I was heading to a van NOT knowing anyone (except Christine) I was going to be hanging with for the next 30+ hours...unsuspecting of anything that was about to happen!
You know how the relay went for me.. I ran my fastest, yadda yadda, had fun...drank beer, ate nachos, nothing unusual... WHAT you don't know is how damn funny that VAN ride was for 370 miles!
Our relay took 29 hours to finish the 187 miles of the Pacific Northwest Passage...I lacked patience and really missed the point during my waiting... I'm competitive. What can I say? What I didn't miss was the camaraderie...BECAUSE that really is what running a relay is all about.
The name of our relay team was SLOW and STEADY..I should have known from the name it was not about the speed! AND like our teams name we were just that...What I learned from Ragnar is that first impressions aren't always right and that friendships just happen! I also learned that 187 miles ISN'T that far...
SOME RAGNAR memories:
**Running in the dark requires a head lamp, a reflective vest and an ASS flasher...I used the head lamp to look for bear, cheetah and often times monkeys!
** Christine blowing chunks after her first leg...AWESOME!
**I taught the team that BEER and nachos make you faster..AND it does! CARB load...
**Reflective vests are super cool...especially when they have lots of flashing lights! AND when they look like Buzzlight year BUT turn out to be Nancy...
**YOU have to be a team player...When D allegedly sprained his ankle Kathy picked up his final mile of his 2.9 mile run..Please! Christine of course said "OMG! I sprained my ankle and kept running 15 more miles!" I of course told D to get his out of the van and keep running...OH and pick up your pace!
** Yelling out the window of the VAN to every RUNNER on the COURSE! Looking good, finish STRONG..or whatever...
**Annie yelling at Christine.. "QUIT twittering and help!!"
**Annie renaming our team Vest Molesters! Yes..the flashing lights made for some HOT vests!
** Sleeping in a VAN isn't so bad...especially with a sweaty beach towel.
** making Stacy WAIT 7 minutes in the exchange at 4:30 AM...NOT my fault your VAN lost you!
** You can set the bar high...and you can make people WANT to push a little harder!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Ragnar Relay...Team SLOW and Steady! First 24 hours!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Getting it IN...on the Road
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Race Report...Jungle Run PR!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Race nerves...they never ever stop
Friday, July 17, 2009
Running is about one thing...
Last nights Sunset Run was a perfect example of how a 5 mile run brings friends together! 5 people with this thing in common...running. All different paces just doing the thing we do... Always something to chat about making the run cruise by in a flash! Good times last night with Andrea, John, Maritza and Tara!
The post run celebration is always my favorite! Last night we landed here: http://www.thetipsypigsf.com/ and the food was yummy, the beer was delish.. BUT the stories and laughs were by far the best of all! Not quite sure how 3 hours went by so fast! AND by the way...MY car was locked in the marina when I went to get it...good thing for 4 wheel drive is all I'm sayin!
Here's to more Sunset runs, runs, laughs, friends! All GOOD!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Race on
To date here are the marathons I have run:
- Silicon Valley
- Napa
- Big Sur
- CIM missed BQ by 53 seconds...PACE dude SUCKED!
- Cour de'Alene (Boston qualified 3:45)
- Nike Womans....HATED this race! Never the full again!
- Phoenix Rock and Rock (Boston qualified again 3:39)
- Napa AGAIN! (Boston Qualified again 3:35)
- BOSTON! 3:37! Every year until I die!
- Big Sur...6 days later 3:52
- Eugene 7 days after BS....PR 3:32
- San Diego Rock and Roll... 3:47, I walked backwards waiting for Monica for 15 mins!
I thought I had 13 down...YIKES! I seemed to have lost one in my mind! I will find it...hmmm.
Races Scheduled for the remainder of the year:
- Jungle Run half marathon 7/19
- Ragnar Relay 7/25-7/26
- Cour de'Alene Olympic Triathlon 8/8 http://www.cdatriathlon.com/
- Santa Rosa Marathon 8/30 http://thesantarosamarathon.com/home
- Maui Marathon 9/20 http://www.mauimarathon.com/
- Cowtown Marathon 10/4 http://www.sacramentocowtownmarathon.com/
- Long Beach Marathon 10/11 http://www.runlongbeach.com/
- Nike Half Marathon SF 10/18
- USA Half Marathon 11/1
- Malibu Marathon 11/15 http://www.malibuintmarathon.com/
- Las Vegas Marathon 12/6 http://las-vegas.competitor.com/